Small Goals Lead to Bigger Achievements

“I always try to start out with some type of goal. Then I work backward and think of what I need to do to get there, and give myself smaller goals that are more immediate.”

— Kristi Yamaguchi

If life is throwing too much at you right now, I get it. Especially if you have a mountain of tasks on your to-do list and each day is too short to get anything done.

Just take a deep breath and start with something small and urgent. Don’t look at the overwhelming list ahead of you until you’ve accomplished a lot of smaller goals. Some times from now, you’ll look back and see what you’ve achieved.

24 thoughts on “Small Goals Lead to Bigger Achievements

  1. Excellent and great words of encouragement Vanya. I agree that in life we may be busy with work, home duties and other stuff but we must not panic✨🔥

    The key is to start small and work work your way up. Baby steps are needed because in the end we become happy that we took that step. Plus, having a never giving up attitude helps a lot V, I will shorten your name and call you V✨🙏

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