The Best Teachers: Who Are They?

Daily writing prompt
What makes a teacher great?

A perfect teacher does not exist. Teachers are people and people aren’t perfect. Children remember moments like the first time they saw their teacher walking into the staff bathroom and they realize that teachers are human, just like them.

Teachers can be great humans. That one teacher, for example, who made a difference in your life and inspired you to make a life-changing decision. 

Teachers are role models. Teachers at elementary schools aren’t supposed to swear, for example. I’ve heard them swear in the staff room, where they can be adults like you and me.

Teachers are adults who have the important role of shaping lives. They teach us facts, like mathematical calculations and important historical dates. But more importantly, they teach us critical thinking so we can question those facts and separate opinions from theories.

Teachers who inspire us to learn information, then question it, and develop something from it are the true heroes. Scientists start off as students who become inventors who create something to improve people’s lives. Writers start off as students and then write stories that make us laugh or cry. Somewhere in life, physicians, first responders, lawyers, designers, engineers, farmers, etc, all started learning from a teacher.

Teachers do more than teach. They teach us to teach ourselves and become lifelong learners. Teachers can be parents, siblings, friends, mentors, coworkers, bosses, complete strangers — anyone who provides us with life lessons that can make us better people.

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