The Lesson We Cannot Forget

The most delicious meal I’ve ever eaten is the meal I had after I found out the truth about my sister.  My parents adopted her when I was eighteen and she was sixteen. I never asked for a sister. She was terrible. She borrowed my clothes without asking and we fought about almost everything.  OneContinue reading “The Lesson We Cannot Forget”

Would you return to the past if you could?

If you could return to the past, what moment would you revisit or redo? I learned that returning to the past didn’t necessarily mean revisiting yesterday. It could also mean precious time with family, an opportunity that I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t won a prize. “Where are we, Mom?” The building we wereContinue reading “Would you return to the past if you could?”

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

Every experience, whether big or small, helps us grow. But the experiences that help people grow the most have a profound impact on our lives. These experiences are like a chapter in a book or a phase change like transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Looking at myself and my friends, I would sayContinue reading “What experiences in life helped you grow the most?”

Do You Think About the Future or the Past?

You can tell someone’s age by how much they think about the future or the past. I’ve noticed that teenagers and people in their twenties talk about the future as if there is a lot of time ahead of them. They have post-secondary education goals, first career-related job discussions, and first romantic relationships. They askContinue reading “Do You Think About the Future or the Past?”