How to Find True Friends: One of the Best Gifts I Ever Received

Daily writing prompt
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

One of the best gifts I ever received was a bottomless wallet. When I first got it, I thought the money inside it was the best thing in the world, but instead, I discovered what the real gift was.

One day, I found an abandoned wallet on the street and opened it. Nothing was inside. My friend, standing across from me, said, “Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a thousand dollars in there?” 

“Yes, but it’s empty,” I said, opening the wallet again to show her, and saw several bills inside. Hundreds of hundred dollar bills, totaling a thousand dollars. “I can’t believe it!” I exclaimed. 

“It’s magic!” My friend took the money out of my hand. “I’m buying a purse and some jewelry,” she said. “I can finally afford to!” And she ran off.

“Hey, wait for us!” I said. Stunned, I stared at the empty wallet in my hand.

“What if there’s a hundred-dollar bill in there?” My other friend was still standing around.

“No way.”

She took the wallet from my hand, opened it, and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill. 

“Maybe you should ask for more money,” I said.

“No, this is enough,” she smiled. “Want to go get some food? Let’s celebrate our good luck with a fancy dinner,” she said.

66 thoughts on “How to Find True Friends: One of the Best Gifts I Ever Received

  1. I have a problem if your inlaw tells you he hasx250mil usd wants to start withdrawing what would you do? If he really cared would he let you feel the coldnights & get a cold & 12 exedrin already swallowed to prevent illness due to cold weather & pnumonia possibikity is this a true friend?

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  3. i did not fibd a wallet i found a girl friend years ago in brooklyn a real partner in crime she got ritcher than me got straight aaa at her a nurse. Stil lives in our hime we bought through family ties sinaloa knows usa like a bank

    Liked by 2 people

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