Scary and Creepy Jobs: Want to Try?

It’s that time of year when it’s normal to switch identities by wearing masks and dressing up in costumes. Some people become superheroes, movie and book characters, robots, monsters, or people from various professions. So, in keeping with this frightful time of year, let’s take a closer look at some scary and creepy jobs. WouldContinue reading “Scary and Creepy Jobs: Want to Try?”

Would you work outside or inside?

When it’s sunny and warm out, would you rather be outside or inside?  It’s summer and I’ve seen photos of people sitting in lounge chairs next to the pool, relaxing while typing on their laptops. It looks fun, but I don’t think I could do it. I would be one of those people who wouldContinue reading “Would you work outside or inside?”

Dealing with 4 Challenges of Remote Work

Remote work, also called work from home (WFH), became a popular term after the pandemic, but many workers have been working from home long before 2020. Some people love WFH and will never return to commuting or working at an office. The perks of remote work are numerous, but the lifestyle isn’t for everyone. TheContinue reading “Dealing with 4 Challenges of Remote Work”

How To Double Your Productivity

If you want to double your productivity, set reachable goals that turn you into an achiever. Entrepreneur Bill Gates said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”  Bite-sized goals that you can achieve quickly reward you with the satisfaction of success. Small successesContinue reading “How To Double Your Productivity”

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10 Signs of Ageism in the Workplace

When you hear the term “discrimination in the workplace,” what comes to mind? Common forms of workplace discrimination include gender, race, religious, and sexual orientation. Another type is age. Examples of age discrimination (ageism) at the workplace are: not hiring someone because they are too old, or only providing training to younger workers because theContinue reading “10 Signs of Ageism in the Workplace”

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