Fun Facts About Writing

How much do you love writing?  Whether you want to answer this question with a groan or heart emojis, writing is a necessary part of modern life. For some, writing is a lucrative career. For others, writing is necessary, everyday communication through work emails, or texts with family and friends. Writing is a skill weContinue reading “Fun Facts About Writing”

Self-Editing Resources for First-Time or New Writers

Repost Ask anyone who writes professionally or personally, and they’ll say that it’s hard – really hard – to find their own writing mistakes. When you are your own editor, it’s tough to remain objective and read your work with fresh eyes. Difficult is not the same as impossible, however. You can self-edit if youContinue reading “Self-Editing Resources for First-Time or New Writers”

How Attention to Detail Increases Your Income

Repost Remember how satisfying it was to solve a mystery just by replaying the details in your mind? Where are your missing keys? Did your sweetheart lie to you? Where did you see that statistic that you could use in your report? Paying attention to details has many benefits. Being detail-oriented is a valuable workplaceContinue reading “How Attention to Detail Increases Your Income”

Does punctuation matter? Some comma humor.

Does punctuation matter? The answer is in this story about a panda that walked into a cafe, ordered a sandwich, ate it, and fired a gun into the air. But why did the panda do such a thing? The answer lies in a badly punctuated manual with a definition of “panda”: “Large black-and-white bear-like mammal,Continue reading “Does punctuation matter? Some comma humor.”

Read Bad Books with Bad Writing

“Every book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have more to teach than the good ones.”  – Stephen King, a.k.a. “The King of Horror” Today we have a few words of wisdom to share with you, someone who reads and writes. Yes, you are “someone whoContinue reading “Read Bad Books with Bad Writing”